Osborne Clarke 715 visningar

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Osborne Clarke

Osborne Clarke is a leading international law firm with 25 offices in thirteen different countries across three continents. Osborne Clarke Sweden was founded in 2017 by a team of experienced partners and we are growing at a fast pace. We have strong local expertise, but most of us also have international work experience and we work closely with our international colleagues to provide a flawless cross-border service to clients.

Like all law firms, we are only as good as our people. When it comes to recruitment, we look for talent, intelligence and drive, but also for people with common sense and a great personality who have interests outside of law. To thrive here, you will also need to show enthusiasm for the work, be a team player and have the ability and willingness to work hard and to handle responsibility. We offer a culture where lawyers are always willing to support each other and share expertise. The atmosphere here is friendly, not competitive. We work on a full range of commercial, transactional and financial matters, giving our junior lawyers a breadth of experience and opportunity to find their speciality.

Our team in Stockholm specialises in Corporate, Private Equity/Venture Capital, Banking and Finance, Employment and Incentives, Real Estate, Commercial, Intellectual Property and Privacy/GDPR. We welcome applications from everyone, irrespective of your background, as long as you can show excellent merits. Our recruitment process is straightforward and usually involves two interviews with associates and partners. Our interviews are relaxed conversations and give you the opportunity to ask questions. For our junior roles, the process may involves an additional assessment day.
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Om Oss

JURISTJOBBEN lanserades 2013 av några studenter som tyckte att det var alldeles för tidsödande och krångligt att hitta jobb. Sedan dess har vi blivit Sveriges största karriärsida för jurister och juriststudenter, på nätet, Facebook och Instagram.

JURISTJOBBEN stödjer Adastra, Centrum för rättvisa, ELSA, Gatujuristerna, Institutet för Juridik och Internet, Juridisk Publikation, Juristresursen och Juriststudenterna.

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